
8 Tips On Relieving Headaches

1. If the problem is chronic and serious, visit your doctor and follow carefully the prescribed treatment. Excellent medications are available.
2. Do not traffic in quackery. Few things are more expensive than poor therapy.
3. Learn to handle a headache episode swiftly and efficiently, taking whatever medication is required. Taking less than the amount prescribed may only prolong and aggravate the problem.
4. Carry your medication with you, especially if you are subject to unexpected attacks.
5. Get away from home and job at regular intervals and learn to unwind. Train your body and brain to relax.
6. Maintain a sense of humor especially in vexing but unavoidable situations.
7. Develop the capacity for empathy. Remember that there are people all around you with worse problems than your own.
8. Find a pleasant, relaxing hobby , preferably something non-competitive but also involving physical activity.

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