
25 Cooking Japanese Food Tips

1. NO SPATTERING---- To prevent oil from spattering while frying prawns, snip tips of tails and gently press water out.
2. PRAWN TEMPURA---- Prawns curl when fried. To prevent this from happening, make a few incisions along the belly of the prawn then fry.
3. NO-NO FOR SASHIMI---- Not all fish can be used for sashimi. Freshwater fish is one because it is prone to parasites.
4. CRISP TEMPURA---- Thinly coat all tempura ingredients with batter before frying. This makes tempura real crisp.
5. FRESH FISH---- When preparing sashimi, don't freeze the fish. Thawing removes the fresh flavor out of the fish.
6. SEAWEED---- Seaweed (or wakame) becomes jelly-like when prepared long before the cooking period. This makes seaweed lose its flavor. It is best to prepare seaweed at least 5 minutes before cooking time to retain flavor and color.
7. TOFU WATER---- Tofu retains water. To remove water from tofu, spread dry cloth on flat surface then place tofu over it and cover. Hold tofu together and let the water drain from the cloth.
8. HANDLING FISH---- Make sure to touch the fish as little as possible when preparing sashimi. The warmth of hands causes the fish to spoil and lose its freshness.
9. SPINACH SUB---- In Japanese cooking, spinach is a favorite ingredient. But if it is not available, you may substitute it with fresh string beans.
10. MOIST RICE---- Soak rice in water for at least 30 minutes before cooking. This makes for a moist rice.
11. JUICY ALTERNATIVE---- If you do not like to use wine as marinade because it's expensive, you may use apple juice instead. It tastes as good.
12. EGGS-XACTLY------ When cooking eggs as ingredient, it is best to use them at room temperature. When boiled, the eggs will crack if used directly from the fridge.
13. NICE FOODS---- In Asian cookery, onion and carrot are considered "yang" foods. Aside from their nutrients, they give a warming effect as well.
14. SWEET GINGER---- Next time you make a meal that calls for fresh garlic and ginger, try chopping the garlic first. The ginger, when chopped after the garlic, will remove the strong garlic smell.
15. BETTER BATTER---- Cake flour makes a light, low gluten content tempura batter. Plain flour makes a little thick batter.
16. STICKY RICE----- Ordinary rice can be transformed into Japanese rice by adding a little bit of honey while cooking. Rice will be sticky and a little sweet.
17. SWEET SUBSTITUTE---- If a recipe calls for sherry wine and it is not available, substitute it with Japanese rice wine. You won't notice the difference.
18. FLAVORFUL STIR-FRY------ Stir-fry seafoods. It enhances the flavor and gives the noodles a smooth, slippery texture.
19. SHIITAKE MUSHROOM----- Wash shiitake mushroom quickly, remove stems and dirt. Soak in cold water 30 minutes. Do not soak in boiling water because this loses flavor. Leftover water can be used for other Japanese recipes so, don't throw it away.
20. CRISP TONKATSU----- For crisp tonkatsu, chill in refrigerator first for a few minutes before frying. You'll have a crispy crust.
21. ALTERNATIVE COOKING----- To adapt your recipes to microwave cooking, find a similar dish in the cookbook that came with your microwave oven to determine cooking time, dish size and proportions of ingredients to use.
22. RIGHT TEMP----- For yummy puffed tempura, use cold ice water in tempura batter. This expands the temperature between the batter and hot oil.
23. FRY RIGHT----- For dieters who love tempura but not the oil, you can prevent the tempura from absorbing too much oil by dropping the pieces when the oil is smoking hot.
24. GO ORIENTAL------ For some oriental touch, add a little soy sauce and sesame seed paste to mayonnaise for your dip. Perfect for fried foods and chips.
25. JUICY TWIST----- Add a tangy twist to regular juice by mixing it with half ounce of liquor (white spirits).

36 Different Cooking Tips

1. LEMON SQUEEZE--- When you need only a few drops of lemon juice for your recipe, prick a hole in the lemon with a toothpick and squeeze out the juice. To keep the lemon fresh, simply put the toothpick back in the hole.
2. BUTTERED CORN--- To butter a hot ear of corn, spread butter on a slice of bread, lay the corn ear on bread and roll. That way, you will have buttered corn and bread.
3. EGG YOLKS----  Store egg yolks covered with aluminum foil or add water to cover the surface to keep them from drying up.
4. FRUIT STORAGE--- Store unripe fruits at room temperature, and ripe fruits in a cool place or better yet in the refrigerator.
5. FRUITY IDEA---- In fruits are to be eaten at once, ripe ones should be bought. If not, then buy unripe ones and let them ripen in the proper storage area.
6. RECIPE HOLDER--- A great way to keep your recipe on hand when you are cooking is to put the recipe card between the tines of a fork and place the fork in a glass.
7. EASY SLIDE---- Use clothespins to hold a pan when you're taking a cake out of the pan. This way, you avoid slip-ups.
8. SWEET SQUASH---- Squash that's hard-shelled will have a sweeter flavor if refrigerated rather than left out until used.
9. EGG WHITE ALERT---- Avoid using hard cooked egg white in frozen dishes because it changes in texture and develops an off flavor.
10. CRISPIER CHIPS---- Sprinkle salted water over banana chips or potatoes while frying. This makes them a lot crispier and fun to eat.
11. DRIED BEANS---- To clean and soften dried beans, soaked them in water. It not only reduces cooking time but dissolves some of the gas producing compounds that make beans easier to digest.
12. BUTTER AND MARGARINE---- Store butter and margarine in tightly sealed containers in the refrigerator so they won't absorb other odors.
13. DARK AND LIGHT SOY---- Dark soy adds color while light soy is salty and full of flavor. Light soy is better as dipping sauce than dark soy.
14. GRATED CHEESE---- To clean a grater from cheese residue, grate a slice of bread. The leftover cheese will come off easily. Plus, you have cheesy grated bread.
15. FLAVORFUL JAM----- Use less sugar when making jam to achieve greater fruit flavor. Less calories, too.
16. NATA DE COCO---- To remove sour taste and smell of nata, boil or rinse with water several times.
17. SOFT SUGAR---- Soften sugar by placing it in warm oven for a few minutes.
18. LAST SCOOP---- Store those almost empty jam jars on their sides so that it will be easier to get the last scoop out.
19. SAPPY FRUIT---- Love eating jackfruit but the sticky sap gets into your knife and hands? Rub your knife and hands with the juice that comes from the jackfruit's seeds. This liquid prevents the sap from sticking to your knife and skin.
20. BUYING GLUTINOUS RICE----- When buying glutinous rice, look for intact kernels that aren't broken, scratched or damaged.
21. SMOOTHER RICE FLOUR---- To have a smoother texture of rice flour, mix it with the liquid ingredients in the recipe, bring to a boil and let cool before adding other ingredients.
22. POTATO DECAY---- Don't wash potatoes until you're ready to use them. Moisture encourages decay that can rot potatoes.
23. SWEET TIP---- Honey that has crystallized in its jar flows smoothly again if you leave the jar to stand in a bowl of boiling water for a few minutes.
24. DRIED OUT COCONUT?--- Sprinkle dried coconut with milk and let it stand until it regains its freshness.
25. GRAHAM CRACKER CRUST---- To remove pie made of Graham cracker crust, put pan in warm water 5 to 10 seconds. The pie will come right out without any damage.
26. STORING FLOUR----- Store all-purpose flour in an airtight container in a dry and cool place within 15 months to maintain freshness.
27. COCONUT MILK AND CREAM---- To avoid curdling and separating of oil in coconut cream and milk, stir constantly over low heat uncovered. Never let mixture boil. Use a wide spatula to a lift-and-turn motion.
28. STORING SQUASH---- Squash should be stored at 45 F and will keep 2 to 6 months depending on variety.
29. FROZEN BANANAS---- Bought too many bananas and they're starting to become overripe? Mash bananas and put them in a freezer-safe plastic container. Freeze then use later as an ingredient in banana bread.
30. BUYING DAIRY PRODUCTS----- When shopping for dairy products on a hot day, put some ice in the ice chest, set it on the back seat of the car and put those perishables in it.
31. OIL SUBSTITUTE----- If you run out of oil in the middle of your cake preparation, use an equal amount of mayonnaise as substitute.
32. FLOUR SUBSTITUTE---- If a recipe calls for self-rising flour and is not available, all-purpose flour can be used. Just add 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt for each cup of all-purpose flour.
33. NO ODOR BUTTER---- Because butter absorbs odors very easily and quickly, always keep it covered.
34. WARM BREAD---- Place aluminum foil under the napkin of your breadbasket to keep freshly-baked bread warm for a longer period of time.
35. STERILIZING JARS----- Fill jars with water 3/4 full and place in shallow pan partly filled with water. Simmer 15 minutes and keep hot until filled.
36. CHEESY TIP---- Rub a bit of butter or margarine to the cut edge of boxed cheese before you store it so the cheese won't dry out. 

15 Different Buying and Cooking Tips

1. Buy ground beef and store in refrigerator. Ground beef can be stretched not only into one dish but into several meals.
2. Don't buy beef that is already ground. It is best to buy whole beef cuts before grinding them. This way, you can be assured that you are getting the choice cut.
3. Be a smart consumer. When you buy beef, go for a choice cut such as chuck. It has a sliver of white cartilage blade bone meat near the top of the steak.
4. Meat prices have gone up lately. To save, try replacing meat with beans and peas in your dishes. They still provide the same nutrients with lower fat and they cost less.
5. When thawing meat inside the refrigerator, place raw meat on bottom shelf of the fridge to avoid the juices from dripping onto other foods.
6. Don't throw away the meat with freezer burn. Just trim the area with freezer burn and the meat will be safe to cook and eat.
7. For healthy cooking and eating, use herbs instead of salt in your recipes. They're not only healthy, they also add flavor and aroma to the dish.
8. When a meat dish recipe calls for sugar, use refined white sugar. Brown sugar, when cooked at low temperature, caramelizes that makes meat to become dark.
9. For a more tender meatball, use half ground pork. Then mix ground beef and pork with chopped onion, milk and season with salt and pepper. Fry until cooked.
10. Experiment with your adobo dish. Use green mango or tamarind juice instead of vinegar to give adobo a more "natural" sour taste.
11. Don't discard that sticky, crusty leftover in the bottom of the pan after browning the meat. You may use it to thicken the sauce when making meat stew.
12. To prevent the juices of meat from dripping  out while grilling, do not pierce it. Piercing while grilling makes meat dry and not juicy.
13. Grilling toughens pork because it uses direct heat and cooking time is short. It is best to buy the tender cuts of meat for grilling. To keep pork moist when grilling or roasting, coat it with oil or baste with marinade.
14. Don't discard that marinade. Boil the marinade for a few minutes and use it for basting meat when grilling. Less effort and saves your money, too.
15. If you prefer to make your own "longganisa" or other cured meat, use refined salt. Refined salt has less impurities than rock salt.

8 Tips On How To Attain Your Physical Well-Being

1. What you eat today influences your health tomorrow. Eat nourishing foods. Stay away from fatty foods. Boil, bake or grill-----never fry.
2. Do not eat when you are angry. Uncontrolled hostility at meal times turns food sour and brings ulcers and heart problems.
3. Tension and worry bring emotional and physical illnesses. Do relaxing exercises, take brisk walks. Get your mind off your work, your problems.
4. Follow the advice of Edmond Samuels; placidity prevents acidity.
5. Rest is important but too much rest is harmful. Regulate sleep.
6. Loss of energy is due to boredom and laziness. Take on challenges, new interests. Find life and live life. Enjoy life.
7. Conserve energy. Give out a little at a time. Apply discipline and do every job with love and enthusiasm.
8. You can avoid physical illnesses by right thinking, right eating and right living. Avoid stress and strain. Think health, not sickness. take charge of your mind and your mind will take charge of your body.

12 Safety Tips For Pedestrians

1. Stop and look for approaching vehicles. Do not stop suddenly behind a parked vehicle, or from any point where your view of the roadway is obscured.
2. At corner streets where there is a traffic policeman, follow his "go" signal, and look for turning cars.
3. Do not cross the streets where crossing is prohibited.
4. Remain on the sidewalk when walking. Do not stop on the street space that belongs to vehicles.
5. When walking along a roadway where there is a sidewalk, walk on the left side of the roadway facing the approaching traffic.
6. When crossing a street, do not pat attention to anybody who whistles at you or calls your name out.
7. Do not walk in the middle of the street.
8. While crossing a street, don't read newspaper, txt messages on your celphone or obscure your view with an umbrella.
9. Always cross a street briskly but do not run.
10. Accustom yourself to using painted or marked crosswalk and safety islands.
11. Do not alight from moving bus or car.
12. At night, be sure drivers can see you. Wear or carry something light in color or colors that are noticeable when the lights are focused on you.

4 Tips On How To Prevent Accidents When Playing With Animals

1. Do not tease animals.
2. Play only with animals that you know.
3. Never approach a dog or a cat while he is eating.
4. Never attempt to get a puppy from a nursing dog.

6 Tips To Follow To Avoid Your Children From Getting Fat

Start when they are babies by following these rules:

1. Feed them only when they are hungry, not according to a schedule.
2. Give them as much as they want, no more and no less.
3. Respect their likes and dislikes, and never force feed.
4. Don't give food as a reward or withhold it as punishment.
5. Avoid talking about eating up as "good" or leaving food as "bad".
6. Never give food just to keep them quiet when they need your attention.

10 Tips On Preventing Overweight In Children

1. Get in shape prior to pregnancy, and go over your weight and diet very carefully with your doctor. There have been some indications that children of obese parents are generally three times as fat, by the age of seventeen, as children of lean parents. The study seems to indicate that this is due to the home environment rather than hereditary factors.
2. Let your baby decide when it's had enough to eat. Your doctor will monitor your child's growth rate, and you'll find the baby won't be malnourished if it doesn't finish all its formula at one sitting.
3. Feed your child only at regular mealtimes. A crying baby is not necessarily a hungry one. It might need burping, a diaper change, or even just be cranky. Also during the first few months the need to suckle can be very strong, but it doesn't necessarily indicate hunger, and can be met with a pacifier. Remember, if the child has eaten a meal, it will take about three hours for its stomach to empty, and hunger to set in.
4. Don't feed solid foods to your infant too early. Check with your pediatrician, but most feel that four months is early enough to start.
5. Using food as a bribe, reward, or comfort too often teaches children inappropriate responses to food.
6. Keep the house free of junk food. If snacks are wanted, treat your child to fruits or have them nibble on vegetables rather than candy or cookies.
7. Create a positive environment for exercise.
8. Try not to give in to a child's tyrannical demands for sweets. A child needs discipline, and this is an important one.
9. If you have a child already overweight, talk to your pediatrician about a weight control program. A youngster can diet safely with a sensible regimen of nutritionally balanced meals, and a behavior modification program to retrain poor eating habits. The sooner the problem is dealt with, the easier it will be.
10. Remember, food is not another word for love. Hugs, kisses, discipline, and attention are the healthiest signs of affection of all.

7 Tips On How To Become More Energetic

There are hundreds of ways of being more energetic; here are a few gathered from those who do it successfully:

1. Don't waste your energy on petty jealousies or worries at home or at work----only you will suffer.
2. If you hate housework, or gardening, or cleaning the car, give yourself a time limit and stop as soon as you reach it. Next time, try and do it faster.
3. Be honest with yourself: if you're overweight, do you really eat like a bird? A vulture? Plan a diet and keep to it. No one who is overweight is really energetic.
4. If it's a beautiful day, drop everything as soon as you can and get outside. Lovely weather makes everyone feel happy and energetic.
5. If you feel depressed and lethargic, get up and do something. Almost any physical work will make you feel better.
6. If you've always wanted to write a book, to learn a language, or take up yoga, do it today.
7. Remember, the reason most people have no energy is because they don't do enough. Television has become the most popular leisure activity, but there are exciting things happening this side of the screen, too. Or as one wit put it, remember the alternative channel----LIFE.

18 Safety Tips For LPG Systems

Housewives using the liquefied petroleum gas for their cooking chores would do well to follow these do's and dont's:

1. Have the installation of your liquefied petroleum gas systems done by a contractor experienced on these systems.
2. Periodically, the color of the flame should be examined. A yellow flame indicates poor combustion. Correct according to manufacturer's instructions.
3. Once the system is in operation, a person should use his nose as his/her eyes in directing leak. LP gas has been odorized, so it can be detected. However,exposure to a small leak for a period of time may desensitize a person's ability to smell it.
4. Brush on a soap solution and look for bubbles in checking for leaks.
5. Vacate the premises once leak is detected.
6. Turn off the LPG at tank.
7. Ventilate the house thoroughly if a leak occurs.
8. Remember that gas is heavier than air and will remain in low places for a long time unless driven out by a draft.
9. Correct the problem before you use the system again.
10. Place the storage tanks at a distance from building openings so any escaping gas cannot enter the building.
11. Make sure there is adequate air for combustion.
12. Check your flue to make sure the burned gases are vented outside (and not leaking inside).
13. Don't look for a leak with a lighted match, candle, or other open light.
14. Don't try to repair an unfamiliar system by yourself. Call an experienced repair man.
15. D0n't refill the storage tank after dark.
16. Don't change the type of gas without having the system adjusted.
17. Don't open the tank valves and allow vapor or liquid to escape into the air. Use gauge or weigh to check gas supply.
18. Don't allow weeds and grass to grow or trash to collect around the supply tanks.

9 Tips For People With High Blood Pressure

1. On the stairways of high-rise buildings----always walk, never run.
2. Try to get a nap twice a day, even if it is a short one.
3. Take five light meals a day, instead of three regular ones.
4. Remember to quit before you become tired.
5. Reduce to a minimum your daily coffee and cigarette consumption.
6. Avoid heated arguments.
7. Try to go to bed before midnight as regularly as possible.
8. A little light outdoor exercise daily will be beneficial.
9. Be weight-conscious, reduce your weight.

Medically known as hypertension, high blood pressure is a disease or condition which is directly caused by a spasm----or narrowing----of small blood vessels throughout the body. This narrowing makes the heart work harder to push the blood vessels; hence, the pressure of the blood to get through the blood vessels must rise in proportion to the work increase. If high blood pressure persists and if the increased work is great enough, the result would be a gradual enlargement of the heart.

The following will help prevent heart disease:
1. Weight control.
2. Proper diet.
3. Control of undue emotional stress or strain.
4. Reduced salt consumption.
5. Judicious and intelligent use of both proper and individually calibrated exercise, and the amount of rest and frequency of rest periods needed, plus the correction of body defects.

16 Safety Tips On Mountain Climbing

1. Never go alone. The safe number is four so that in case of an accident, one can stay with the injured and the other two can go for help.
2. Wear proper climbing boots that are comfortable and not slippery.
3. Take along warm clothing.
4. Take along reserve rations.
5. Take survival aids----a whistle, first-aid kit and a flashlight.
6. Take a map and compass.
7. Plan walks carefully. Work out exactly where you are going to climb and make route lists.
8. Check the weather forecasts. On high ground, mist and rain can close in with a frightening speed.
9. Turn back if the weather deteriorates or if a route is proving too much for a companion or for the group.
10. Stay together whatever happens--unless, say, someone has an accident and one person must stay while the others go for help.
11. Always leave word where you are going and when you expect to return.
12. Keep to your planned route and schedule.
13. Know what to do in an emergency.

1. Paths. Many mountain tracks are not shown on the map but do use those you find heading in your direction.
2. Easy slopes. To climb or descend, choose where the contours are well spaced rather than attack steep grass, rocks and scree on closed pack contours.
3. Ridges. The best walking always lies along the skyline where the main height has been gained and there is less distance to climb on the ups and downs of a horizon's crest. The footing is often short turf and the views are fantastic.

8 Tips On What A Man Does For And Believes In His Wife

1. A man will not meddle in what he considers his wife's affairs.
2. A man remembers important things.
3. A man will try to improve your mind.
4. A man allows you to make the important decisions.
5. A man will give you an honest answer.
6. A man believes in sharing.
7. A man doesn't want you to worry.
8. A man idealizes his wife.

8 Tips On How To Conquer Frustrations

1. Decide that you honestly want emotional self-control.
2. Practice peaceful thinking. With practice you will find it easier, more natural.
3. Instead of letting frustration irritate you, try to understand other people objectively, what makes them the way they are.
4. Set apart a period of quietness daily.
5. Each day, practice relaxing muscular tensions.
6. Before going to bed, flush out of your mind the bad emotions.
7. Look to God for help in substituting calmness for irritation.
8. Do the best you can and leave the results to God. Then it will work out for the best.

6 Tips On How To Prevent Mildew And Mildew Stains On Your Furniture

1. Dry out wet soiled clothes before throwing them into the laundry bag or clothes hamper.
2. Do not starch household linen that is to be stored for long periods, or don't store clothes that are unclean.
3. Leave open once in a while closets, cabinets or drawers to freshen air and keep interiors dry. Or, use a handy hair dryer now and then to discourage moisture build-up.
4. Brush thoroughly upholstered furniture or rugs that show mildew. If possible, do this outdoors where they get lots of sun and fresh air. Should mildew stains remain stubborn, sponge lightly with thick suds, then wipe clean with damp cloth. Or, use half-and-half solution of alcohol and water, but use the solution sparingly, then dry very well.
5. Wipe moldy leather such as bags or belts with half-and-half solution of water and alcohol, then air dry before an electric fan. When dry, apply thin coat of paste wax for protection as well as to restore shine.
6. Keep a small electric bulb open continuously in closed book case so that it will stay dry in damp weather. If books are damp, dust cornstarch or talcum powder between the leaves, letting it stay until all moisture has been absorbed.