
6 Tips On How To Feed Your Baby

When feeding the baby-------
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before starting to prepare the milk formula.
2. Prepare enough formula for only one feeding at a time when storage facilities are not available.
3. Use sterile feeding bottles and rubber nipples. The bottles should have been boiled 15 minutes, and the rubber nipples for 5 minutes. If available, a sterilizing solution may be used instead.
4. Use boiled water for the formula mixture.
5. Never leave the rubber nipples exposed to flies. Cover them with a nipple cap or a clean piece of cloth when not in use.
6. Wash the feeding bottle and the rubber nipples immediately after use, so that they do not attract flies.

5 Tips on How To Treat A Common Cold

1. Try to have as much rest as possible. Adequate rest builds up resistance and hastens recovery.
2. Diet should be light and must include plenty of water and fruit juices.
3. Have enough clothing on for warmth.
4. Keep dry and avoid exposure to drafts.
5. Discomforts as difficulty in breathing, sore throat and hoarseness usually accompanying a cold may be relieved by steam inhalation.

Common cold is one ailment that can result in serious respiratory complications. A cold is a common upper respiratory infection caused by a virus. It may be brought about by sudden changes of temperature, exposure to cold and dampness, fatigue, weakened resistance, poor ventilation and lack of exercise.

10 Tips On How To Improve Your Child's Appetite

1. Have meals on a regular schedule.
2. Serve food in small helpings.
3. Vary the food that you serve. Pay particular attention to food preparation and presentation for extra appeal. Add new foods one at a time and at start of meal.
4. Allow 30 to 40 minutes for each principal meal.
5. Do not force the child to eat if he does not feel like eating. He'll eat when he gets hungry.
6. Do not scold the child during mealtime. Do not stress table manners with young children. Good table manners will develop later after the child acquires a better attitude toward food.
7. Limit carbonated drinks, candies and snacks in-between meals. A child can be hungry only when he has not eaten 2 hours before a principal meal.
8. Set the example with good family habits. Parents and child should eat together as much as possible. Do not mention your own food preferences. Maintain pleasant table conversation. Avoid distractions during mealtime, such as carbonated drinks, candies, TV, radio, toys, etc.
9. Take your child to visit the doctor and dentist for regular check-ups. This is advisable in order to avoid some diseases and to maintain body resistance. Show the child that the doctor is his friend who will help to keep him healthy.
10. When prescribed by your doctor, give vitamins to your child regularly. Vitamins help to increase appetite and stimulate growth and energy.

6 Health Tips For Old People

1. Caloric needs decrease with age. At 65, women need 1,600 to 1,800; men, 2,400 to 2,600 calories daily.
2. Quit smoking, or at least cut down.
3. Drink alcohol only in moderation. It's bad for arthritis, overweight, and cardiovascular diseases.
4. Exercise regularly and moderately.
5. Eat plenty of protein, iron, ascorbic acid and calcium. Cut down on butter, fats and oils.
6. Above all, try to be young at heart.

11 Tips To Remember To Avoid Basic Problems Of Your Baby

1. Babies are not born with bad habits.
2. While there are approximate expected ages when babies can accomplish some activities like using the spoon, drinking from the cup, sitting on the "potty", or calling out when he wants to void urine, not all babies may follow these tables or standards. There may be normal variations. It is observed that children may not be ready to be trained at the same age.
3. A child is not ready for training until he has reached a certain stage of physical, mental and emotional development.
4. Therefore parents need not "expect too much" nor "too soon".
5. Scolding, embarrasing or nagging will not hasten what parents expect.
6. Some upsetting or frightening experience may delay or put a setback to baby's training. Examples are the departure of a close member of the family or even a maid; an illness; an accident.
7. Discontinue trying a procedure if it proves to be tedious or uninteresting or annoying; then try again later.
8. Expressions or words of disappointment or displeasure may be discouraging to the child and he may detect or sense it, no matter how small he may be.
9. Conversely, cheerful encouraging words or actions may help the child to do better.
10. Pampering and giving in to the child's wishes and whims may delay control of his bowels or bladder.
11. An understanding, sympathetic, reasonable guidance is important.

8 Tips On Helping Your Child Get More Out Of School

1. See that your child has periodic physical examinations to learn whether he has health problems that might interfere with top performance in school.
2. If your child is upset because a friend gets better marks than he does, let him know that someone else's marks are less important than the fact that he himself is trying to bring up his grades. Also, point out to him the things that he does very well.
3. See that a child has a place where he can study quietly without the distraction of television or siblings.
4. Help a child organize his day so that he has time for play, hobbies, and homework.
5. If you have a beef about your child's teachers, take it up with the teacher. Criticizing the school in a child's presence only hurts the child's attitude toward learning.
6. Find ways for a child to use at home what he learns in school. Let him double-check your grocery tape to see if it adds up correctly. Give a teenager the job of checking your bank statements against canceled checks.
7. At the dinner table, guide children into a "bull session" on serious topics, and do as much listening as talking.
8. Take some adult education courses. How can you give your child better proof that education is important?

11 Tips On Proper Book Care

1. Begin to exercise care the the first time you open a book. Lay the book on its back. Open it a few pages at a time, beginning with one side, then on the other. Press lightly along the bound (inside) edge as you turn the pages to minimize the stiffness. It also helps to prevent "spine" injury.
2. Make a habit of using a book mark, instead of turning down page corners, or leaving a book lying face down.
3. Don't overcrowd book shelves, to allow easy removal of books----otherwise the spine will be damaged if you do it by force. To pull out a book from the shelf, insert forefinger and thumb on either side of the book, then gently slide it out.
4. Stack flat oversized books such as atlases, art and music books.
5. To preserve their binding, don't let your books slump on partly filled shelves. Use book ends so that they will stand upright.
6. Set books near the front of the shelf to allow air to circulate at the back.
7. Remember that too much heat dries out books; too much moisture causes mildew.
8. Condition leather-bound books for temperature changes with saddle soap or a fine paste wax. The best time to do it is when the book is new, then repeat every year or every two years. Apply a small amount of wax on a piece of clean, white, absorbent cloth. Spread quickly and lightly over the leather, making sure not to touch the end paper or pages. Muff immediately with a second soft, clean cloth.
9. Mend torn pages with gummed rice paper, onion skin or tissue.
10. Dust books every month with a soft, clean cloth.
11. Once a year, remove books from shelves and dust them individually.

6 Tips On Buying Cemetery Lots

1. Visit several cemeteries. Ask your minister for suggestions. Don't buy sight unseen.
2. Don't buy too big a plot. When children leave home, they may prefer to make their own arrangements.
3. Some cemeteries offer undeveloped sites at lower prices. If you should need a grave before development is complete, you can turn in your lot on a developed one and receive credit for what you paid.
4. Have in writing the percentage of the price that will go into the fund for endowed care. Make sure that this fund is under the management of a bank or trust company, not just on deposit. If the cemetery's board of trustees manages the fund, be sure they are reputable citizens.
5. Don't buy in a proposed cemetery unless you are positive the organizers are reputable local citizens. Out-of-town promoters sometimes skip with the money.
6. Buying a cemetery lot intelligently boils down to this: make the purchase before the actual need, and check all legal and financial angles as carefully as you would in buying a house.

6 Tips On What To Know About The Best Diet

1. Cut down on calories but don't cut them out. Peoplecan reduce on plain, common-sense diets by simply consumming less.
2. Begin with smaller servings of those foods especially generous in calories fatty meats, baked goods, sweets, etc.
3. Expend more calories in physical activity, especially aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and rope-skipping.
4. Recognize that some people gain weight far more easily than others and that some people lose weight more easily. Follow the program that is most realistic for you.
5. Weigh yourself on a reliable set of scales once each week. Let them be the judge of your success.
6. Make up a motivation list including the greatest benefits you will achieve from weight reduction. Review it thoughtfully everyday.

4 Tips On How To Ward Off Depression

1. Identify the syptoms of depression.
a. Serious Depression: perpetual sadness, slow reaction of mind and body, morbid and bitter self-criticism.
b. Mild Depression: discouragement, loneliness, disconsolateness, feelings of inferiority, getting no fun out of life.
2. Practice hope. As hopefulness becomes a habit, you can achieve a permanently happy spirit.
3. Right eating, right exercising, right thinking, right praying, right living----these tone up vitality.
4. Practice of thought replacement can bring about spirit transfusion.
a. Replace each weak thought with a strong one.
b. Replace each negative thought with a positive one.
c. Replace each hate thought with a loving one.
d. Replace each gloomy thought with a lifted one.

10 Tips On How To Prevent Pinworms Among Your Children

1. The secret is in careful follow-through. A number of excellent worm remedies are available, but they are of little use if rigid sanitary practices are not applied at the same time.
2. Treat not only the children who are infected with worms, but also others in the family with whom they have been in contact.
3. Stress clean hands. Keep fingernails free of dirt and cut them close.
4. Wash the children's anal area daily with soap and water, particularly in the morning, as worms may have passed out during the night.
5. Itching is one of the main symptoms of pinworm infection, so children may scratch themselves in the anal area, and later absent-mindedly put their fingers in their mouths or handle food.
6. Prevent scratching during the night by putting the children in pajamas or other sleeping garb closed at the rear.
7. Wash bed linens frequently----at least every few days----in hot water and soap until the threat of worm reinfection is past.
8. Scrub toilet seats daily. Have the children use separate towels and wash them often.
9. Syrups containing either pyrvinium pamoate, piperazine citrate or stibazium iodide are among the useful pinworm remedies available.
10. Careful attention to the rules of sanitation given here should eliminate most recurrences of the worm problem.

4 Tips On How To Avoid Constipation

1. Chew your food thoroughly.
2. Drink at the end of each meal.
3. Take fruits with cereals and vegetables with meat. Eating, plenty of fruits and vegetables provides the bulk and rough age necessary for the normal tone and movements of the digestive organs.
4. At bedtime, eat four or five tablespoons of scraped carrots, peanut brittle or a small bag of freshly popped corn. Dried seeds and nuts, like peanuts and raisins, are laxative food.