
18 Safety Tips For LPG Systems

Housewives using the liquefied petroleum gas for their cooking chores would do well to follow these do's and dont's:

1. Have the installation of your liquefied petroleum gas systems done by a contractor experienced on these systems.
2. Periodically, the color of the flame should be examined. A yellow flame indicates poor combustion. Correct according to manufacturer's instructions.
3. Once the system is in operation, a person should use his nose as his/her eyes in directing leak. LP gas has been odorized, so it can be detected. However,exposure to a small leak for a period of time may desensitize a person's ability to smell it.
4. Brush on a soap solution and look for bubbles in checking for leaks.
5. Vacate the premises once leak is detected.
6. Turn off the LPG at tank.
7. Ventilate the house thoroughly if a leak occurs.
8. Remember that gas is heavier than air and will remain in low places for a long time unless driven out by a draft.
9. Correct the problem before you use the system again.
10. Place the storage tanks at a distance from building openings so any escaping gas cannot enter the building.
11. Make sure there is adequate air for combustion.
12. Check your flue to make sure the burned gases are vented outside (and not leaking inside).
13. Don't look for a leak with a lighted match, candle, or other open light.
14. Don't try to repair an unfamiliar system by yourself. Call an experienced repair man.
15. D0n't refill the storage tank after dark.
16. Don't change the type of gas without having the system adjusted.
17. Don't open the tank valves and allow vapor or liquid to escape into the air. Use gauge or weigh to check gas supply.
18. Don't allow weeds and grass to grow or trash to collect around the supply tanks.

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