1. Build up resistance with nutritious food.
2. Wash hands before eating and after coming from toilet. Use own toilet articles and handkerchief.
3. Avoid crowds and people who cough or sneeze carelessly.
4. Guard against overfatigue and chilling.
1. Stay in bed and take large quantity of liquids, especially citrus drinks.
2. Call a doctor as soon as you have fever and aches in limbs and back.
3. Have tepid sponge bath if your temperature runs high.
4. An ice-bag on the head may give some relief for your headache.
Neglect of a cold or flu may result in the more serious pneumonia. This is a serious communicable disease of the lungs caused in most cases by an organism called pneumonococcus.
Initial symptoms are chills and a sharp rise in temperature. Frequently following these are a stabbing pain in the sides, cough, headache and fatigue:
1. Avoid contact with pneumonia patients.
2. Keep warm when you have a very bad cold.
3. Observe good personal hygiene.
4. Have enough rest, sleep and nourishing food to build up body resistance.
5. Consult a doctor when your cold persists.
5 Safety Tips For Kite Fliers
When flying kites, be sure to:
1. Keep away from power lines, streets, creeks, pools, playing fields with holes.
2. Have the cord or string wound into a ball. Let it unwind in such a way that your feet or arms will not be caught if the wind suddenly becomes strong.
3. If a kite is caught on electric wires, do not try to get it yourself. Ask for the help of older persons.
4. Wind the cord in a ball after flying a kite to prevent anybody from being caught in it.
5. Always tell your parents where you are going to fly a kite.
1. Keep away from power lines, streets, creeks, pools, playing fields with holes.
2. Have the cord or string wound into a ball. Let it unwind in such a way that your feet or arms will not be caught if the wind suddenly becomes strong.
3. If a kite is caught on electric wires, do not try to get it yourself. Ask for the help of older persons.
4. Wind the cord in a ball after flying a kite to prevent anybody from being caught in it.
5. Always tell your parents where you are going to fly a kite.
8 Tips On Relieving Headaches
1. If the problem is chronic and serious, visit your doctor and follow carefully the prescribed treatment. Excellent medications are available.
2. Do not traffic in quackery. Few things are more expensive than poor therapy.
3. Learn to handle a headache episode swiftly and efficiently, taking whatever medication is required. Taking less than the amount prescribed may only prolong and aggravate the problem.
4. Carry your medication with you, especially if you are subject to unexpected attacks.
5. Get away from home and job at regular intervals and learn to unwind. Train your body and brain to relax.
6. Maintain a sense of humor especially in vexing but unavoidable situations.
7. Develop the capacity for empathy. Remember that there are people all around you with worse problems than your own.
8. Find a pleasant, relaxing hobby , preferably something non-competitive but also involving physical activity.
2. Do not traffic in quackery. Few things are more expensive than poor therapy.
3. Learn to handle a headache episode swiftly and efficiently, taking whatever medication is required. Taking less than the amount prescribed may only prolong and aggravate the problem.
4. Carry your medication with you, especially if you are subject to unexpected attacks.
5. Get away from home and job at regular intervals and learn to unwind. Train your body and brain to relax.
6. Maintain a sense of humor especially in vexing but unavoidable situations.
7. Develop the capacity for empathy. Remember that there are people all around you with worse problems than your own.
8. Find a pleasant, relaxing hobby , preferably something non-competitive but also involving physical activity.
10 Tips On How To Motivate Yourself To Become A Good Driver
1. I shall not exceed safe speed limits or violate speed laws.
2. I shall not drive after drinking or when drowsy or fatigued.
3. I shall always signal my intention when making turns.
4. I shall not pass on curves, hills or where the view is obstructed.
5. I shall slow down at schools, playgrounds, hospitals and other dangerous zones.
6. I shall dim my lights when other cars approach at night.
7. I shall observe and obey highway signs and traffic signals.
8. I shall be particularly cautious at all intersections.
9. I shall slow down at sundown and whenever road conditions are unsafe.
10. I shall be courteous and respect the rights of every driver and pedestrian.
2. I shall not drive after drinking or when drowsy or fatigued.
3. I shall always signal my intention when making turns.
4. I shall not pass on curves, hills or where the view is obstructed.
5. I shall slow down at schools, playgrounds, hospitals and other dangerous zones.
6. I shall dim my lights when other cars approach at night.
7. I shall observe and obey highway signs and traffic signals.
8. I shall be particularly cautious at all intersections.
9. I shall slow down at sundown and whenever road conditions are unsafe.
10. I shall be courteous and respect the rights of every driver and pedestrian.
4 Tips On Reducing Fat In An Average Diet
1. Serve moderate portions of the lean cuts of meat, or trim off excess fat from meat before cooking or before serving. Eat shellfish and organ meats in moderation because they are higher in dietary cholesterol than red meats.
2. Use more poultry or chicken and fish.
3. Try to use cooking methods that do not consistently add unnecessary fat to the daily diet; broil or boil instead of fry foods.
4. Use soft margarine for table or bread spread.
Nutritionists recommend a diet pattern that contains more fish and poultry, to avoid rich and overly sweet foods like pies and pastries, a balanced diet low in saturated fats.
2. Use more poultry or chicken and fish.
3. Try to use cooking methods that do not consistently add unnecessary fat to the daily diet; broil or boil instead of fry foods.
4. Use soft margarine for table or bread spread.
Nutritionists recommend a diet pattern that contains more fish and poultry, to avoid rich and overly sweet foods like pies and pastries, a balanced diet low in saturated fats.
11 Tips To Keep Your House Safe While You Are Away
1. Shut off electricity and gas; disconnect all appliances.
2. Bring down curtains, draperies and store them.
3. Close all windows, making sure they cannot be forced open.
4. Lock all doors and secure other possible points of entry.
5. Lock all closets and cabinets, especially those where valuables are stored.
6. Dispose of perishable food.
7. Discard inflammable material such as old newspapers, cleaning fluids, varnishes, etc., and don't leave matches lying around.
8. Check all faucets, and shut off water connection.
9. Protect from dust with newspapers or dust sheets your furniture, beds and those which can't be stored away.
10. Clean the house, and spray with insecticides to minimize pest infestation.
11. Leave duplicate key of the house to a trusted neighbor for emergency purposes.
2. Bring down curtains, draperies and store them.
3. Close all windows, making sure they cannot be forced open.
4. Lock all doors and secure other possible points of entry.
5. Lock all closets and cabinets, especially those where valuables are stored.
6. Dispose of perishable food.
7. Discard inflammable material such as old newspapers, cleaning fluids, varnishes, etc., and don't leave matches lying around.
8. Check all faucets, and shut off water connection.
9. Protect from dust with newspapers or dust sheets your furniture, beds and those which can't be stored away.
10. Clean the house, and spray with insecticides to minimize pest infestation.
11. Leave duplicate key of the house to a trusted neighbor for emergency purposes.
8 Safety Tips For Hikers
1. Decide on a place to go, how to get there and how to get home, the number going and the supplies needed.
2. Walk on left side of highway facing approaching vehicles and in single file.
3. Wear comfortable shoes.
4. Stay with group and obey instructions of the leader. Never go off planned route into strange swamps, woods or fields.
5. Stay away from the bank of swiftly moving water and places where there might be quicksand.
6. Watch out for snakes and other deadly insects and poisonous vegetations.
7. Get off highways when resting.
8. Plan to return before dark and be sure you know how to get back home.
1. Decide on a place to go, how to get there and how to get home, the number going and the supplies needed.
2. Walk on left side of highway facing approaching vehicles and in single file.
3. Wear comfortable shoes.
4. Stay with group and obey instructions of the leader. Never go off planned route into strange swamps, woods or fields.
5. Stay away from the bank of swiftly moving water and places where there might be quicksand.
6. Watch out for snakes and other deadly insects and poisonous vegetations.
7. Get off highways when resting.
8. Plan to return before dark and be sure you know how to get back home.
8 Tips On How To Prevent The Spread Of Contagious Diseases
1. Avoid spitting around. It is one of the best ways of spreading harmful microbes or germs.
2. Observe personal hygiene and teach everyone in the household proper health procedures like washing hands.
3. Avoid crowding.
4. Keep rooms well ventilated and clean.
5. Illnesses should be considered contagious until the diagnosis is definitely made.
6. At the first sign of illness in any member of the household, isolate him as much as possible and separate his linen and utensils.
7. The sick should be attended to and treated at once.
8. Further instructions on the prevention or spread of a particular disease may be obtained from the attending physician or from his assistants or paramedical personnel as details will vary from illness to illness.
2. Observe personal hygiene and teach everyone in the household proper health procedures like washing hands.
3. Avoid crowding.
4. Keep rooms well ventilated and clean.
5. Illnesses should be considered contagious until the diagnosis is definitely made.
6. At the first sign of illness in any member of the household, isolate him as much as possible and separate his linen and utensils.
7. The sick should be attended to and treated at once.
8. Further instructions on the prevention or spread of a particular disease may be obtained from the attending physician or from his assistants or paramedical personnel as details will vary from illness to illness.
8 Tips On Disciplining Your Child
1. Make only necessary rules.
2. Make sure the child understands what is required of him.
3. Be consistent but not inflexible, recognizing the exceptional occasion when a rule may be broken.
4. Respect the child's feelings and avoid limits that will humiliate or embarrass. A child who is consistently made to feel worthless will come to believe he is worthless and be afraid to use his initiative.
5. Give an explanation, when possible, so that he may understand the reason for the demand.
6. Give the child enough time. When possible, a word of warning pays dividends.
7. Try to set limits in such a way that the child knows it is behaviour being limited, not love for him.
8. Make sure he has constructive things to do and legitimate outlets.
2. Make sure the child understands what is required of him.
3. Be consistent but not inflexible, recognizing the exceptional occasion when a rule may be broken.
4. Respect the child's feelings and avoid limits that will humiliate or embarrass. A child who is consistently made to feel worthless will come to believe he is worthless and be afraid to use his initiative.
5. Give an explanation, when possible, so that he may understand the reason for the demand.
6. Give the child enough time. When possible, a word of warning pays dividends.
7. Try to set limits in such a way that the child knows it is behaviour being limited, not love for him.
8. Make sure he has constructive things to do and legitimate outlets.
15 Tips On The Proper Use Of Insecticides
1. Read the label. Those that are labeled "non-toxic to humans" are the safest but must be handled carefully. Even though exposure to the substance once may not be dangerous, there is a growing concern about cumulative toxicity, the effect of long-term buildup. So use even the mild insecticides carefully. Use of the word "caution" also indicates a relatively mild insecticide.
2. When you get to the word "Warning," you know you have a more dangerous product. Follow the directions to the letter.
3. If you see the word "poison" and the old skull-and crossbones symbol, skip it and pick another product. Leave the stuff to the professionals and stay out of their way.
4. Read the instructions carefully. Never mix different insecticides together. Never mix an insecticides in greater strength than directed----it's only the bugs you want to kill, not pets or children or yourself.
5. Determine what you need for it. If it is one type of bug you are concerned about, then pick the least toxic insecticide that will kill the bug.
6. Keep the kids and the pets away when you dust or spray for a good length of time afterward.
7. Keep insecticides out of reach of children. Such dangerous material should be kept under lock and key. Don't store them with food products. Never use garden insecticides inside the house.
8. Keep the insecticides in their original containers and keep the label clean and intact. When the containers are empty, get rid of them. Wash out bottles and cans before tossing them in the trash can.
9. Wear clothes that cover you completely. Wear rubber gloves. If working in close quarters or for a long period of time, wear a respirator mask.
10. Since your clothing is bound to become contaminated, wash it when you have finished spraying.
11. Wash hands and face immediately. Wash before eating or smoking. Don't smoke while spraying.
12. Watch out that some products may be inflammable. Assume they are if they have an oil base.
13. Overkill is not a good idea. Fogging apparatus is dangerous. It drifts where you don't want it. If you can apply a small amount of insecticide to a plant or in a crevice, then don't spray.
14. Adjust your equipment for the smallest spray pattern possible. Spray so that the wind is blowing from you. Check your equipment. If it leaks, you may get the dust or spray on yourself. If you have a compressed air sprayer, be careful when you refill it.
15. Turn it over and release any remaining air away from you. Then if there is any insecticide left in the container, it will not spray in your face.
2. When you get to the word "Warning," you know you have a more dangerous product. Follow the directions to the letter.
3. If you see the word "poison" and the old skull-and crossbones symbol, skip it and pick another product. Leave the stuff to the professionals and stay out of their way.
4. Read the instructions carefully. Never mix different insecticides together. Never mix an insecticides in greater strength than directed----it's only the bugs you want to kill, not pets or children or yourself.
5. Determine what you need for it. If it is one type of bug you are concerned about, then pick the least toxic insecticide that will kill the bug.
6. Keep the kids and the pets away when you dust or spray for a good length of time afterward.
7. Keep insecticides out of reach of children. Such dangerous material should be kept under lock and key. Don't store them with food products. Never use garden insecticides inside the house.
8. Keep the insecticides in their original containers and keep the label clean and intact. When the containers are empty, get rid of them. Wash out bottles and cans before tossing them in the trash can.
9. Wear clothes that cover you completely. Wear rubber gloves. If working in close quarters or for a long period of time, wear a respirator mask.
10. Since your clothing is bound to become contaminated, wash it when you have finished spraying.
11. Wash hands and face immediately. Wash before eating or smoking. Don't smoke while spraying.
12. Watch out that some products may be inflammable. Assume they are if they have an oil base.
13. Overkill is not a good idea. Fogging apparatus is dangerous. It drifts where you don't want it. If you can apply a small amount of insecticide to a plant or in a crevice, then don't spray.
14. Adjust your equipment for the smallest spray pattern possible. Spray so that the wind is blowing from you. Check your equipment. If it leaks, you may get the dust or spray on yourself. If you have a compressed air sprayer, be careful when you refill it.
15. Turn it over and release any remaining air away from you. Then if there is any insecticide left in the container, it will not spray in your face.
6 Tips On How To Help Your Child To Speak Clearly
1. Ignore it all first; but if it persists, take him to a speech therapist.
2. Don't stop the child from talking. Encourage him to talk but don't force him.
3. Don't interrupt, correct or help him out by finishing his sentences for him . Don't tell him to start over again, to take it easy or take a deep breath.
4. Don't draw attention to his stutter by dropping everything to listen to him. He could continue to stutter as a means of getting attention.
5. On the other hand, don't turn away from him when he stutters.
6. And treat the child as normal. There is so much involved in a child learning to produce a sentence. He hasn't had the years of experience you've had in speaking.
2. Don't stop the child from talking. Encourage him to talk but don't force him.
3. Don't interrupt, correct or help him out by finishing his sentences for him . Don't tell him to start over again, to take it easy or take a deep breath.
4. Don't draw attention to his stutter by dropping everything to listen to him. He could continue to stutter as a means of getting attention.
5. On the other hand, don't turn away from him when he stutters.
6. And treat the child as normal. There is so much involved in a child learning to produce a sentence. He hasn't had the years of experience you've had in speaking.
7 Tips On How To Persuade Your Child To Eat
1. Children have keener sense of taste and smell than adults and those under six usually like mild-flavored foods.
2. Children are not gourmets. They are not venturesome regarding foods. As a rule, they do not appreciate subtleties of flavoring.
3. In general, children prefer uncomplicated foods. It was found that a stew in which vegetables and meat were ground and cooked together is more popular among young children than separate pieces of vegetables and meat.
4. Serve slightly less than you think the child is going to eat. This gives the child the advantage of feeling successful even to the point of asking for a second helping.
5. Children show preferences for certain texture. They appreciate some crisp foods in a meal for reasons other than to hear the sound associated with the chewing of crisp-crunchy foods.
6. Stiff or even slightly gummy texture in starchy foods are specially disliked by children. As a rule, children do not eat dry foods easily.
7. Do not force anything in a child. It is always easy to change the food than to change the child.
2. Children are not gourmets. They are not venturesome regarding foods. As a rule, they do not appreciate subtleties of flavoring.
3. In general, children prefer uncomplicated foods. It was found that a stew in which vegetables and meat were ground and cooked together is more popular among young children than separate pieces of vegetables and meat.
4. Serve slightly less than you think the child is going to eat. This gives the child the advantage of feeling successful even to the point of asking for a second helping.
5. Children show preferences for certain texture. They appreciate some crisp foods in a meal for reasons other than to hear the sound associated with the chewing of crisp-crunchy foods.
6. Stiff or even slightly gummy texture in starchy foods are specially disliked by children. As a rule, children do not eat dry foods easily.
7. Do not force anything in a child. It is always easy to change the food than to change the child.
11 Tips On How To Keep Children Safe
1. Always keep medicines in a locked cupboard, out of the reach of children.
2. Never tell children that medicine-----even if it tastes good-----is candy.
3. Never transfer hazardous substances to soda bottles or jars where they might be mistaken for soft drinks or other edibles.
4. Never leave hazardous substances unattended when they are within reach of children.
5. Never store substances such as polishes and bleach in a place accessible to children.
6. Teach your child not to run into the street between parked cars. This is the most common cause of accidents involving children.
7. Don't let children play at construction sites at any time. They can be injured or killed.
8. Teach your child to be wary of strangers, especially in summer months when parks are crowded.
9. Don't buy too fancy a bike for your child; it will attract thieves.
10. Be careful of open windows. Install window guards.
11. Talk over possible dangerous situations with your child before they happen, and decide on the safest behavior. Have fire drills in your house.
2. Never tell children that medicine-----even if it tastes good-----is candy.
3. Never transfer hazardous substances to soda bottles or jars where they might be mistaken for soft drinks or other edibles.
4. Never leave hazardous substances unattended when they are within reach of children.
5. Never store substances such as polishes and bleach in a place accessible to children.
6. Teach your child not to run into the street between parked cars. This is the most common cause of accidents involving children.
7. Don't let children play at construction sites at any time. They can be injured or killed.
8. Teach your child to be wary of strangers, especially in summer months when parks are crowded.
9. Don't buy too fancy a bike for your child; it will attract thieves.
10. Be careful of open windows. Install window guards.
11. Talk over possible dangerous situations with your child before they happen, and decide on the safest behavior. Have fire drills in your house.
4 Basic Tips On What To Do When Camping In The Woods
1. Watch for fires or smoke. If there is any, notify an adult who should notify the nearest forest ranger or telephone operator.
2. Be very careful with matches: Do not leave them loose in pocket, car or picnic box.
3. Use ash trays. Ashes, cigar and cigarette stubs thrown out carelessly may cause fires.
4. Never leave camp until the fire is completely out. Know how to build a campfire. Clear a spot five feet in diameter, dig a hole in the center for the fire, keep the fire small and never build it near dead trees, logs and bushes.
2. Be very careful with matches: Do not leave them loose in pocket, car or picnic box.
3. Use ash trays. Ashes, cigar and cigarette stubs thrown out carelessly may cause fires.
4. Never leave camp until the fire is completely out. Know how to build a campfire. Clear a spot five feet in diameter, dig a hole in the center for the fire, keep the fire small and never build it near dead trees, logs and bushes.
6 Tips On Avoiding Pickpockets
1. Don't flash bills or carry loose money in pocket.
2. Carry wallet in your inside coat pocket (men) or at bottom of purse (women).
3. Be suspicious of anyone who jostles you unnecessarily.
4. If you realize your pocket has just been picked, scream. Hook will usually drop wallet and run.
5. Remember, the pickpocket depends on your inattention for his success. Be wary of crowds.
6. Keep large quantities of cash in bank, don't keep it on your person. Remember, the dip or hook will try to distract you while robbing you, covering up his own actions by reading a paper or book. Fairs, crowds, buses, trams and subways are their stamping ground.
2. Carry wallet in your inside coat pocket (men) or at bottom of purse (women).
3. Be suspicious of anyone who jostles you unnecessarily.
4. If you realize your pocket has just been picked, scream. Hook will usually drop wallet and run.
5. Remember, the pickpocket depends on your inattention for his success. Be wary of crowds.
6. Keep large quantities of cash in bank, don't keep it on your person. Remember, the dip or hook will try to distract you while robbing you, covering up his own actions by reading a paper or book. Fairs, crowds, buses, trams and subways are their stamping ground.
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